String Manipulation
F# provides several functions and methods for string manipulation.
The split
function splits a string into an array of substrings based on a specified separator:
let sentence = "OCaml, Standard ML, F#"
let names = sentence.Split ","
// val names: string array = [|"OCaml"; " Standard ML"; " F#"|]
The replace
function replaces all occurrences of a specified string with another string:
let sentence = "OCaml, Standard ML, F#"
let updatedSentence = sentence.Replace("Standard ML","Haskell")
// val updatedSentence: string = "OCaml, Haskell, F#"
The substring
function returns a substring from a specified starting index to an optional ending index:
let sentence = "OCaml, Standard ML, F#"
let subSentence = sentence.Substring(0, 5)
// val subSentence: string = "OCaml"
The trim function removes all leading and trailing white space characters from a string:
let sentence = " F# is awesome. "
let trimmedSentence = sentence.Trim()
// val trimmedSentence: string = "F# is awesome."
Obs: The F# standard library provides a module
that contains a variety of functions for working with strings.
The String.concat
function is used to join a sequence of strings into a single string with a delimeter:
let strings = [ "OCaml"; "Standard ML"; "F#" ]
let fullString = String.concat ", " strings
// val fullString: string = "OCaml, Standard ML, F#"
The String.length
function is used to returns the value of length of the string:
let content = "F# for fun and profit"
let strSize = String.length content
// val strSize: int = 21