F# by example
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Type casting in F# is a process of converting one type of value to another type of value. This can be useful in situations where the type of a value needs to be changed in order to be used in a specific context. There are several ways to perform type casting in F#, including explicit casting, implicit casting, and type coercion.

List of casting operators The following table shows some of the most useful conversion operators defined in F#:
byteConvert to byte, an 8-bit unsigned type.
sbyteConvert to signed byte.
intConvert to a 32-bit signed integer.
float, doubleConvert to a 64-bit double-precision IEEE floating point number.
singleConvert to a 32-bit single-precision IEEE floating point number.
decimalConvert to System.Decimal.
charConvert to System.Char, a Unicode character.
enumConvert to an enumerated type.


// Explicit Casting
// Explicit casting in F# involves explicitly specifying the target type for a
// value, using the `:>` operator. 
let intValue = 42
let stringValue = intValue :> string

// Implicit Casting
// Implicit casting in F# occurs when the compiler determines the target type 
// based on context. 
type Shape =
  | Circle of float
  | Rectangle of float * float

let shapeValue = Circle 3.14

let circleValue =
  match shapeValue with
  | Circle r -> r
  | Rectangle _ -> failwith "This is a rectangle, not a circle."

// Type Coercion
// Type coercion is a special form of implicit casting that is used to convert 
// between numeric types in F#.
let intValue = 42
let floatValue = double intValue

// Printing Results
printfn "intValue: %d" intValue
printfn "stringValue: %s" stringValue
printfn "circleValue: %f" circleValue
printfn "floatValue: %f" floatValue

⬇️ casting_example.fsx

$ dotnet fsi
> #load "casting_example.fsx";;
> open Casting_example;;

> intValue: 42
> stringValue: "42"
> circleValue: 3.14
> floatValue: 42.0